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Dimos Alimou

Under the Aegis of the Municipality of Alimos

It is a great honor to have one of the most respected and successful Municipalities of Attica as a partner in our journey. The Municipality of Alimos and personally the Mayor Mr. Andreas Kondylis and the dynamic team of Deputy Mayors and his associates, stood by our side from the very first moment, offering us their moral and material support to our project.

The project The Road Experience – Project 2023 τελεί υπό την Αιγίδα του Δήμου Αλίμου, υψώνοντας ακόμα πιο ψηλά τον πήχη των απαιτήσεων και τον προσδοκιών μας. Ο Municipality of Alimos ταυτίζεται και συμπορεύεται μαζί μας στο δρόμο του “Ευ ζην”, εντάσσοντας το ταξίδι μας στα πλαίσια της κοινωνικής και πολιτισμικής προσφοράς και ανοίγοντας νέους δρόμους στο ευρύ κοινό να ακούσει, να μάθει και να προχωρήσει σε μια νέα στάση ζωής.


Andreas Kondylis

Andreas Kondylis

The Mayor of Alimos Mr. Andreas Kondylis talks about The Road Experience


The journey, like love, says the Swiss writer Alain de Botton, expresses an attempt to turn a dream into reality. The Municipality of Alimos has put under its auspices the journey and love of our creative and inspiring compatriot Clio Psaraki for another reality, an alternative one, with low speeds and a search for the humbleness of nature that leads to beauty and truth.

Clio, together with her traveling companion Akis Christou, will cross European country roads, photographing and recording what does not prevail in our consciousness and representations as the dominant reality. Today we are bombarded by a plethora of useless information (radio, television, social networks), we become "experts" in a life that is not our own. We live in the age of speed and intensity. Fast cars, fast computers, multi-powered mobile phones and supersonic planes. We are all running to catch up....

"When things go by too fast, no one can be sure of anything at all, not even of himself," says Milan Kundera in Slowness. Mortal man's struggle with time is not only the most archaic, but also the most durable. But today's suffocation due to lack of free time is not simply the result of wrong personal choices. It is a social problem. And that is where Clio's journey-attempt is aimed. To prove that it's time to slow down, that it's time to live differently, that it's time to find time to reflect, to "stare" at a cyclamen, to read poetry, to dream with our eyes open...

Have a great journey!

Andreas Kondylis

Mayor of Alimos

See also:

– Contributors of The Road Experience

– Press and media


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