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Today as we live it

Our lives today run at very high speeds every day. We rush to catch up, chasing time, running behind schedule, with our only concern being to catch up with obligations. Our creativity has no room to blossom, our health takes a beating, our nutrition lags, our relationships don't make time. We do everything, always. And again from the beginning...

Today as we want it

What would our lives look like if we decided to take a break from all the things that are suffocating us on a daily basis? How would it be filled with colors if we took the time to look around, get in touch with nature, listen to its sounds and harmonize with our host planet? How would it be filled with fragrance if we had the opportunity to get outside, to enjoy the simple things, our freedom, our bodies, and to experience with awareness the energy that is around us and within us?

Today as we can

Even the greatest changes in history started with a decision. It is a decision to stand still, it is a decision to take steps or take risks. It is our decision to measure our strengths and venture into the unknown.

Nikos Kazantzakis wrote "Reach where you can't" and he was right. It is only when we stand forward and move forward with courage that we have the opportunity to experience the different. Let's not forget that man is made of tenacity...


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