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Event photography

the road experience on ifocus

We are featured on

The outstanding online magazine honors us by hosting our trip in one of its latest articles. The Road Experience brings the message of "travel" to the friends of photography...

Communaute Hellenique de Bruxelles

Under the Aegis of the Hellenic Community of Brussels

Όταν μια ιδέα παίρνει τον δρόμο της υλοποίησης, ο ενθουσιασμός είναι μεγάλος. Όταν όμως αυτήν την ιδέα την αγκαλιάζουν καταξιωμένοι φορείς, με κύρος και διακεκριμένη διεθνή παρουσία, όπως η Ελληνική Κοινότητα Βρυξελλών, τότε έχει τη δύναμη να απογειωθεί. Το The Road Experience – Project 2023 έχει την τιμή να βρίσκεται υπό την Αιγίδα της Ελληνικής…

the road experience on

Presentation on announced The Road Experience to the audience of the southern suburbs. With a great response, talked about our idea, wrote about the goals of the trip and wished us success.  

Clio Psaraki Photographer


Today as we live it Our lives today run at a very high speed every day. We rush to catch up, we chase time, we run behind schedule, with our only concern being to catch up with obligations.

The road to the unknown

The road to the unknown...

Even if the course of the journey is predetermined, somewhere there will be an intersection that will lure us, somewhere we will discern a beautiful image that will call us to it, each time off course...

The route

Starting this long journey we will pass through 12 countries: Greece Bulgaria Serbia Romania Romania Hungary Slovakia Czech Republic Austria Germany Switzerland France Belgium In each country on the route we will stop for photo reportage and tributes, in places that have something different to say...

Our moto – Our motivation

“…Nα εύχεσαι να’ναι μακρύς ο δρόμοςγεμάτος περιπέτειες, γεμάτος γνώσεις” Κ. Π. Καβάφης, “Ιθάκη” Στο ταξίδι της ζωής, στην αναζήτηση της απλότητας, στο δρόμο για τις πηγές του ποταμού, εκεί ταξιδεύουμε όλοι, οδεύοντας προς έναν κοινό προορισμό…Τον εαυτό μας! Διαβάστε για τη διαδρομή που θα ακολουθήσουμε εδώ…
