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The Road Experience – Project 2023


A photographic journey with a camper-van and a camera...

Two Greek photographers travel from Athens to Brussels through the provincial roads of Europe.

Crossing mountains, rivers, lakes and small villages, choosing the slow speed, in an itinerary of deeper searches of the personal journey of each of us, towards harmony with nature, but also the essence of our very existence...

Photographers Clio Psaraki and Akis Christou


Come on... let's go!

Following the flow, join us on a long journey that will last a month. From 1 August until 1 September 2023 we travel together, discovering beauty and harmony in their primary form.

The artistic output of the trip will be hosted in two photography exhibitions, in Athens and Brussels, and will also be available in a luxury photo book edition.

With a camper-van and a camera, a thirst for discovery, a craving for new experiences, with a vision for artistic creation and with an open heart for strong emotions, The Road Experience – 2023 sets off!


Under the Aegis


Dimos Alimou

Municipality of Alimos

Communaute Hellenique de Bruxelles

Hellenic Community of Brussels,


With the support of


Δήμος Ixelles-Elsene

Municipality of Ixelles-Elsene

Sponsored by


Golden Sponsor

Leonidas Belgian Chocolates

Leonidas SA



Bronze Sponsors




Learn about our concept

The route

Starting this long journey we will pass through 12 countries: Greece Bulgaria Serbia Romania Romania Hungary Slovakia Czech Republic Austria Germany Switzerland France Belgium At each country on the route we will make stops...


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The pleasure lies in the simple things
Thoughts by the sea

In the small moments are hidden the treasures of life. We are only the now, only the sounds, the smells, the images we experience in the present moment.

The crossroads
Clio Psaraki

Στο «ταξίδι» της ζωής μας βρισκόμαστε πάντα μπροστά σε σταυροδρόμια, εκεί που με την ελευθερία που μας έχει δοθεί παίρνουμε τις αποφάσεις που θα μας οδηγήσουν παρακάτω. Κάθε απόφαση είναι…


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