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Leonidas Belgian Chocolates

Leonidas as Golden Sponsor on our journey

It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome the Belgian company Leonidas as Golden Sponsor of The Road Experience.

We are honoured to have sponsors who embody the virtues of quality, timelessness and social contribution.

Leonidas Chocolatier is today the world's most renowned chocolate company, with over 1300 stores in 50 countries. With the same vision, the same inspiration and the same love, it has managed to associate the name Leonidas with joy, smiles and human contact.

We extend a big thank you to everyone at Leonidas and especially to the President Mrs. Vasiliki Kestekidou, for her confidence and kind support during our trip.

But above all, we are grateful for her sincere and authentic connection to the ideals of our journey, the journey of life.

Mrs Vasiliki Kestekidou says about our journey:

Vasiliki Kestekidou - Leonidas

Why we participate and support presented

Because we are fascinated by nature's beauty.

Because we believe that life is a journey, full of surprises.

And because we are captivated by those who dream.

All these inspire us for 110 years now to create chocolates from materials given to us by nature.

Each one is a surprise of flavours.

Flavors that make us dream!


Vasiliki Kestekidou

President Leonidas SA



See also:

110 years of Leonidas: history, vision and success!


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