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Event photography

in the mirror

Our mission

In the age of information and speed, the aim is to bring out in practice a different approach to modern life.

By slowing down, by paying attention to the simple, we set off on a journey:

  • From the rush to the slow pace
  • From stress to "well-being"
  • From the general frame to the value of detail
  • From the loss of self to awareness
  • From the perpetual pursuit of the goal to the enjoyment of the journey...


"...but don't rush your journey at all"

K.P. Kavafis - "Ithaca"



See also:



Through this journey, we will discover some truths that, although they sound simple, hold great power.


The journey is the occasion and provides the framework that makes us think more deeply, to find answers that help us on our way.


Jumping off the van

This journey will be different... That's why at The Road Experience we want to acquire different habits. Every little change can make a difference.

The photographers

Photographers Clio Psaraki and Akis Christou

Companions with imagination, photographers of moments with value, creators of images with power. Clio Psaraki and Akis Christou travel to unknown roads, searching for beauty in simplicity and harmony....

Our mission

in the mirror

In the age of information and speed, the aim is to bring out in practice a different approach to modern life.


Van front view

Το ταξίδι The Road Experience – Project 2023 δεν θα μπορούσε να υλοποιηθεί χωρίς τη σημαντική συμβολή χορηγών που στηρίζουν την προσπάθειά μας. Οι “Συνοδοιπόροι” μας στο ταξίδι καλύπτουν τις…


The van

It is a great honor for us to have the support of The Road Experience - 2023 from renowned institutions in Greece and abroad.
